Saturday, March 21, 2015

Backlogs: What to do?

For those that do not know, but a backlog of games is simply when you have more games than you can play with at a single moment, making all of these games build up. You want to play these games, but are already caught up with other games and your own life. There is simply not enough time for you to play all of these games. How can you play so many games? There are actually simple ways to lessen or even completely rid of your backlog; no, this does not include locking yourself away from the world! All it takes is time and a little quick thinking.

To start, tackle the source! Your backlog grows because you make it grow. I grows simply because you keep getting more games. Yes, there are a lot of games out there; especially in the Spring and Fall seasons, great games seem to come in large waves. But if you already have games that you have interest in playing, consider those first. Simply put, wait and DO NOT buy more games!This decision also has its positives too. Hold off in buying games can make time pass by, making these games potentially cheaper. And if you wait long enough for the complete, or 'ultimate' editions, you can play these games with all of its DLC.

In order to tackle your backlog, it would be smart to sort out your games first. This is not really necessary, but makes things more manageable. This can be done in any way too. If you feel like playing a shooter or RPG, choose from the games that fit from these genres. Organizing from the smallest to the most expansive is also a smart way to handle this, and possibly may save you time. But a personally choice would be to sort out games that you want to play first, and simply play them. If you are more motivated to play a game, you'll be done with it in no time, and wont want to over-do it.

Now, what if you have tons and tons of games, and literally have no time for all of them? One option would be to play a game until you are satisfied with it, even if you are not done with it. There is no shame to stop playing a game half way through. In fact, this is actually not common. What matters most is if you enjoy the game and get your money's worth in terms of satisfaction. If you played until you feel like it is worth getting this game, then feel free to stop. If yo ever have time, you can simply go back. This may not be an option for certain games though, especially if the game has an in depth story that you need to stay awake for.

A helpful method would be to expand your current load-out. In better terms, try to set a certain amount of games you can play at once, and set how long you can play these games a day. If you are able to play or about three or four hours a day, try to play three or four games at once. It may sound sloppy. But considering that many games have campaigns that last for 8-15 hours, it will help you go through games in bunches. Plus, it can help add more variety and not let games drag on.

An option that may be costly (literally) would be to just forget about some of the games. Yes, this might not be what people may want to do. But you know that the game will be there for you if you ever need it. If you have too much to chew, and have no other options, it might be a hard decision to make. Some people may be willing to do this. Others may think it is a waste of money to let games collect dust. But again, these games will always be there for you if you ever need them.

Games are merely entertainment for most of us. They don't need to be a chore or feel overwhelming. Too much of a good thing is bad, and this simply applies to everything. But if we are able to manage and take one step at a time, we can enjoy what we want, no matter the odds.

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