Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Graphics Are NOT Everything

The Order: 1886. It would be simple to just leave this as the main example of how graphics are not everything in video games. But that would be too easy. Ever since we have entered the new generation in video games, graphics have became more of a priority that before. It has even gone to the extent of the The Order, where one of the game's only strong points were its graphics. That is just it: graphics are not everything in games.

We are making the transition. Yet, the previous generation is still strong and is still here. Many people are not ready to make the switch. There are different reasons that may explain why. But one of the more known reasons is that the previous generation has an excellent library of incredible games. Yes, the games in the previous generation are still incredible. And yes, many people still remain in the previous generation for these games.

These people are making a smart decision.

Depending on the person, the newest generation of gaming may not be what it was suppose to be. There are games that are made on both generations. New games are still being made for the older generation. That is because there are people still hanging on to the older generation. People are still enjoying the older generation, despite the new games that have been made.

The games in the previous generation may be old, and may be outdated, but they are not obsolete. You can still play games from the previous generation and still enjoy then. Graphics in these games may be older and less detailed. But that does not ruin older games from being enjoyable. In fact, not only are these games enjoyable, but they may also be more accessible and more affordable. You don't always need to play the newest games to have fun.

This is possibly why there are many ports being made, bringing classics from the previous generation into the next generation. If games are still fun, people will still play them. Does how the game look affect how fun the game is? The appearance and such may affect the experience of the game or if you will be immersed with the game. But graphics is the appearance of the game. It does not have a direct impact on the mechanics of the game, or how the game functions.

But why make so much effort on next-gen graphics, like The Order? Because that is what people expect in the next generation. People had these same expectations in the last few transitions between generations. As technology advances, the capabilities may advance. Graphics are a heavy focus now since the experience of the game is being taken to a higher priority than how enjoyable the game is. Is that bad? No, it depends on the person. But it doesn't have to go to the extent of having little focus on the important parts of games.

Graphics do not make the game. Yes, they make the outside cover of the game, that invites you into the game. But once you get to the actual game, and actually play it, graphics do not matter. If it is a game with lazy innovation and no effort, with poor mechanics, the graphics cannot change that.

There have been numerous games where this has already been an issue. It is a common misconception that developers have made in making their games, and a mistake gamers have made in choosing their games. Graphics can literally blind us from what is important to games. There can still be games that implement great graphics. But they shouldn't be a priority, or stop us from having fun.

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