Sunday, March 15, 2015

Destiny: To Hate Or Not?

It is no secret, Destiny is the most disappointing game of 2014. Bungie has promised so much, but delivered so little. It was 2014's most talked about game, most controversial game, and belongs in many similar lists. Reviews haven't been so merciful either, with many scores hat are decent, but not perfect. Yet, it has won and been nominated for many awards. Plus, Destiny has had millions of players since release. So why do people still play and love a game that has received so much negative criticism?

Before anything, Destiny is not a bad game. People may see a 6/10 score and think that is bad. But that is different, depending on the reviewer. To many, a 6/10 means it is slightly above average; it is a title that could have been better, but brought down by flaws. Many have scored Destiny as a 6/10 or a 7/10. That does not mean Destiny is a bad game though. A game does not need to be a 9/10 game just to be considered as a good game.

So what did Destiny mostly lack. For starters, its story was absent. The game itself was literally an introduction to the new IP, without providing a story to get people hooked to its new universe. Not only that, but the structure of the game is repetitive and the characters in the game lack quality. These are three key factors that help create an immerse game, that Destiny just happens to fall short with.

What got people even more angry with Destiny was the lack of content. By the end of Destiny, you either need to replay the same activities for better loot, or participate in the Crucible for PvP combat. If these activities were always fresh and provided a different experience every time, that would be acceptable. Yet, only PvP was able to get away with this. Once people were able to discover leaks and such that hinted that much of the game was cut off to serve as paid DLC, this caused even more of an uproar.

So the game is lacking. It even gives people a reason to hate it. So why do people like it. One word can be the reason for many: addiction. The combat in Destiny certainly is one of its strongest points. Although it feels like Call of Duty at times, the variety of weapons and abilities keep each battle going strong. You may play the same Strikes until you know the enemies by heart, but with combat that's really enjoyable, it makes it manageable to replay missions,

The online component and interaction really gives Destiny a boast too. From playing with your friends in every game mode, to participating in the (currently 2) Raids, playing with others is a joy in Destiny. The best part is that you can play with your friends at any pace you prefer. If you don't like to be with friends in PvP , you can try some Strikes, hang out in the Tower, or waste time doing patrol tasks in the large spaces.

There certainly is much to appreciate in Destiny. Even if it is not what Bungie promised, they are constantly listening to feedback and giving what people want (except for a decent story). So why do people hate this game? It certainly has more to offer than popular FPS games like Call of Duty. It certainly has more depth than other AAA games. Where is the fire here?

Along with its flaws, the disappointment Destiny has brought is potentially what caused such hate. First impressions are everything in a game. If you plan to deliver, certainly do what you plan and deliver. Hype is key, and can make games as successful as Grand Theft Auto V, or simply a failure. Bungie over-hyped this game. People expected something grand like Skyrim, but received a result similar to Watch Dogs. And with 2014 being a tough year for gaming in general, this carried even more weight that stacked on Destiny.

So does it deserve the hate it gets? Just like any other game, it depends on you. If you like Destiny, to the extent of putting hundreds of ours into it (like myself), it is your choice. But if you don't like the game, that is also your choice. Yet, something to remember is that games should be all treated fairly. If you simply let others bring a game down, and don't give it a chance, you may certainly miss out.

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